Carrigan Klark Collins was born November 13, 2007 at 10:47 p.m. She weighed 8lbs 12 oz and was 19 inches. We are so excited to have a new niece and can't wait to meet her. Congratulations Kirk, Tara and Courtlyn!!
Judson was a little Devil for Halloween. He had so much fun. We trick or treated on Walnut St. and as soon as we got there he took off down the sidewalk. No one was home at the very first stop, but that didn't slow down the Devil. Judson got lots of candy (that he won't be allowed to eat of course).
This is outlaw Tommy. He is our GC for our house on Walnut and Sophie and Isabelle twins that will live 2 doors down.
At the end of the night Judson's bag was very heavy but he wouldn't let Brooks carry it. I think he was afraid Brooks would eat his candy.
Judson and Brooks carved a pumpkin on Sunday afternoon. Judson was not real sure about the pumpkin guts, but he loved watching Brooks carve the face. After all the hard work of carving the pumpkin Judson had to stop and smell the roses... I mean mums.